My Little Bro Has Been Married A Year

A wedding anniversary is a big occasion to celebrate all by itself, but any anniversary or holiday for my brother (and his family) is even more special.

It was 10 years ago this Summer that I sat in an ICU waiting room with family and friends unsure what the future held for my little brother and only sibling.  He was in a coma after suffering a  massive seizure due to brain swelling, likely the effect of the West Nile virus.  None of us knew what to expect.  Would he survive and if so, what would he be like?  I remember being in his room with my parents when the doctor came in and told us they expected him to survive and pull through.  And that he did.

Ten years have past and the scars of that Summer remain.  He still has short-term memory problems and is still prone to seizures, though thanks to medicine, doctors and the grace of God, the severity and frequency of those seizures has plummeted in recent years and he is doing as well know as he has since he first fell ill.  Whether he knows it or not, he is a living testament to the grace of God and the power of perseverance.  Jesus never promised us smooth sailing.  On the contrary, He promised us hardship both as a result of normal life and as a result of following Him.  Every step my brother takes is further evidence of God’s relentless grace and goodness.  I am reminded of a great passage from Matt Redman’s song Never Once

Every step we are breathing in Your grace
Evermore we’ll be breathing out Your praise
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

A year ago today God’s love and grace was on display once again as my brother and his wife exchanged their vows and became one.  Both are so fortunate to have one another and though times are not always smooth, and we can be assured choppy water is always in the future, they have one another.  Two beautiful people who together are constant reminders to me that God is good and He is faithful.  In many ways, today is so much more than a one-year anniversary.  It’s a time to celebrate not only a marriage, but they life and grace that made that marriage possible.

To Becca and Ran, I love you both.  Happy anniversary.

– Tommy


  1. Betty Herndon

    Tommy that is so very sweet what you said, I am so thankful for Gods grace–You know that I love you & Ran with all my heart–also so thankful Ran is doing so good & for God sending Rebecca into his life–I knew that one days God would send the right woman—I love all of you—Ganmaw

  2. Tommy, that was absolutely beautiful and made my eyes swell with tears. Congratulations to Ran and Rebecca.,,,,Aunt Barbara

  3. Pingback: God’s Grace « bummyla

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